Jumat, 14 November 2008

(Ebook) Brian Tracy - Million Dollar Habits

Kalo buku Seven Habits-nya Covey, pasti kalian dah sering nemu di tempat lain. Aku juga punya, tapi sengaja ga dishare. Masih bertema kebiasaan, aku lebih memilih ngasih bukunya Tracy aja, kesannya lebih eksklusif he he soalnya yg ngebagi link lebih sedikit. Jadi moga aja koleksi ebook kalian bener2 nambah, ngga bikin kalian ntar bilang "wah, ini sih dari dulu juga dah punya. basi ni blog." Daftar isi sebagai berikut:

Introduction - You Are What You Do
Chapter One - Where Your Habits Come From
Chapter Two - The Master Program of Success
Chapter Three - Becoming A Person of Value
Chapter Four - The Habits You Need To Succeed
Chapter Five - The Habits of People Who Become Millionaires
Chapter Six - The Habits That Get You Paid More and Promoted Faster
Chapter Seven - The Habits of Top Businesspeople
Chapter Eight - The Habits for Marketing and Sales Success
Chapter Nine The Habits of Personal Effectiveness
Chapter Ten - The Habits for Getting Along Well With Others
Chapter Eleven - The Habits for Health and Well Being
Chapter Twelve - The Habits of Character and Leadership

Million Dollar Habits

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